- Is it a sin for Christians to drink alcohol?
- If not, who can drink?
- Where should they drink?
- How much should they drink?
1. Is it a sin for a Christian to drink alcohol? Well, if we look at The Last Supper (Mark 14), we see Jesus use wine in the first celebration of the Eucharist. If I, as a Christian, consider Jesus to be free of sin and thus an acceptable sacrifice for my sins, I must logically recognize that drinking alcohol is not, in and of itself, a sin.
2. Who can drink? Well, Romans 13 tells us that we are to obey the established governments. Thus, I am inclined to believe that, as an American, it would be a sin for me to drink before I turn 21. This changes from place to place (Canada: 16 years old, eh).
3. Where to drink? There is, obviously, no specific instruction provided for where Christians should drink. So, we must extrapolate these instructions. Given the gravity of 1 Corinthians 10 and its call to not cause anyone to stumble, I must believe that drinking in public is not the best idea. Personally, I have many close friends and siblings in Christ who believe that any alcoholic consumption constitutes a sin. With that in mind, I don't beleive that a drink should be worth harming one's testimony and causing a friend to stumble.
4. How much? Well, there are numerous passages (Ephesians 5 comes to mind) that admonish us as Christians to not be drunk (Not to mention Noah's bad example of drunkeness and nakedness at the same time. How would you like to walk in on a drunk, naked 600 year old man?). With that in mind, everyone's limit is different.
So, is it wrong for a Christian to drink? Not under certain conditions. Is it wrong for a Christian to completely abstain from alcohol? I sure hope not, or I have a problem.
Peace out, it's bed time.
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