Friday, March 20, 2009

Your Theology

Anyone who has spent any time within a church has probably heard the term 'theology' thrown around. In my experience, the word's usage can be varied and sometimes confusing. For the church fathers, theology was their bread and water; for thoughtful Christians, theology is an ongoing process that evolves as their relationship with God does; and for Christians today who have grown tired of tradition, theology is another old, dirty word that simply draws attention to the fact that Christians are different.

So what is 'theology'?

'Theology' has two basic meanings: The first, most basic is the study of religious faith, practice, and experience, especially the study of God and His relation to the world. The second is dependent on the first and is used to refer to a specific system of theology or a body of theological opinion. (Merriam-Webster)

In the next couple of posts, we will look at theology, these two meanings, and how it all relates to us.

What do you think? Have you heard 'theology' used? In what context? Do you think it affects you or is even worth your time?

1 comment:

sprinkles said...

Well, when I am actually listening to people talking about "Theology" they normally use it as a kind of background to scripture. Like this was what was happening during this passage or what (insert bible character here) really meant was...and I dont really know if thats really revalent to me or not. Is is worth my time? If it strengthens my relationship with God sure! But honestly I dont know all that much about theology, so keep blogging.