Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Clicky Pens

I heard two men arguing today. One was talking about how his clicky pen (you know the kind) was the best ballpoint pen he had ever used. The second man was vehemently arguing that there is no way that a clicky pen could be a ballpoint pen. As I looked on, the argument continued for quite some time, until each man walked away angry and no more interested in the other man's opinion than before.

At this point, I must tell you that I witnessed no such argument regarding pens. In the argument I witnessed, the clicky pen was really the theory of evolution and the second man was a well-meaning evangelical Christian arguing there is no way that God would have used evolution to create the Earth.

Now, I know Genesis 1:1 says that 'In the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth.' But, I do not seem to recall the verse that tells us what method he used. I do not claim to be the most educated or well-informed Christian, but I simply cannot understand why there is a vast majority of my brothers and sisters who see evolution as an antonym to creationism.

The more I hear talk of God, the more I realize that phrases beginning "God can.." are true and phrases beginning "God cannot..." are false. No matter what method you propose was used to create the Earth, there is one fact that stands unchangeable: that God perpetrated, controlled, and planned it. And for that, I am truly thankful.


LEAVETHE99 said...

Good one!

Allen said...

clicky pens and of monkeys and men, i like the metonymy (that's a poetry word.)
that is whimsically clever!

Spencer said...

I'm impressed with your ability to see the blog potential in everyday situations. Bonus! You should write a blog about the ridiculous word verifications that are needed to post a comment. I'm just sayin'...

FindThe01 said...

There, no more word verifications.